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首页  »  电影  »  战争片  »  1812:枪骑兵之歌








更新:2017/10/27 0:07:14

简介:The Year is 1812. On the eve of thedecisive battle of Borodino,Napoleons secret agent steals a Russianbattle plan. This fact is known toGeneral Kutuzov (Head of Russianforces), thanks to a young nobleman AlexeyTarusov. Tarusov joint to thethe regiment of Russian lancers, and finds newfriends like LieutenantGorzhevsky, Prince Kiknadze and Sergeant Ptukha. Afterthe terriblebattle of Borodino, they fall into many unexpectedadventures.
播放源 六间房 优酷 xigua
The Year is 1812. On the eve of thedecisive battle of Borodino,Napoleons secret agent steals a Russianbattle plan. This fact is known toGeneral Kutuzov (Head of Russianforces), thanks to a young nobleman AlexeyTarusov. Tarusov joint to thethe regiment of Russian lancers, and finds newfriends like LieutenantGorzhevsky, Prince Kiknadze and Sergeant Ptukha. Afterthe terriblebattle of Borodino, they fall into many unexpectedadventures.